Source code for episuite.prevalence

from typing import Any

import numpyro
import numpyro.distributions as dist
from numpyro.distributions import Distribution

[docs]def true_prevalence_model(obs_positive: int, obs_total: int, true_p_prior: Distribution = dist.Beta(1, 1)) -> Any: """This is a true prevalence model, which means that it will assume for instance perfect testing validation results if it is a seroprevalence study. :param obs_positive: number of observed positive counts :param obs_total: the total of observed samples :param true_p_prior: it can be any numpyro distribution to use as prior for the true prevalence (default to a flat Beta prior) """ true_p = numpyro.sample("true_p", true_p_prior) binomial_dist = dist.Binomial(total_count=obs_total, probs=true_p) return numpyro.sample("obs", binomial_dist, obs=obs_positive)
[docs]def apparent_prevalence_model(x_se: int, n_se: int, x_sp: int, n_sp: int, obs_total: int, obs_positive: int, true_p_prior: Distribution = dist.Beta(1, 1)) -> Any: """This is a more realistic model that takes into consideration a imperfect testing validation, and uses the Rogan-Gladen estimator to model the observed prevalence as an apparent prevalence. .. seealso:: `Estimating SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and epidemiological parameters with uncertainty from serological surveys <>`_ This is mostly based on the work :cite:t:`Larremore2020`. `Bayesian modelling for COVID-19 seroprevalence studies <>`_ This is a talk that uses the same models implemented in Episuite. :param x_se: sensitivity parameter (i.e. if there was 33 positive samples, and 27 were detected, this parameter is 27). :param n_se: sensitivity parameter (i.e. if there was 33 positive samples, and 27 were detected, this parameter is 33). :param x_sp: specificity parameter (i.e. if 172 negative tests, there was 2 false positives, this parameter is 170). :param n_sp: specificity parameter (i.e. if 172 negative tests, there was 2 false positives, this parameter is 172). :param obs_positive: number of observed positive counts :param obs_total: the total of observed samples :param true_p_prior: it can be any numpyro distribution to use as prior for the true prevalence (default to a flat Beta prior) """ # noqa: E501 true_p = numpyro.sample("true_p", true_p_prior) se_p = numpyro.sample("se_p", dist.Beta(x_se + 1, n_se - x_se + 1)) sp_p = numpyro.sample("sp_p", dist.Beta(x_sp + 1, n_sp - x_sp + 1)) apparent_p = numpyro.deterministic("apparent_p", true_p * se_p + (1.0 - true_p) * (1.0 - sp_p)) return numpyro.sample("obs", dist.Binomial(probs=apparent_p, total_count=obs_total), obs=obs_positive)