Source code for episuite.durations

from typing import Any, Dict

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import dates as mdates
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from episuite import distributions

[docs]class Durations: COLUMN_STAY_DURATION: str = "__EPISUITE_STAY_DURATION" def __init__(self, df_durations: pd.DataFrame, column_start: str = "DATE_START", column_end: str = "DATE_END", filter_gt: bool = True): self.df_durations = df_durations.copy() self.filter_gt = filter_gt self.column_start = column_start self.column_end = column_end self._check_dataframe() # Filter only valid durations, where end is # greater than or equal to the start if self.filter_gt: gt_query = self.df_durations[self.column_end] >= \ self.df_durations[self.column_start] self.df_durations = self.df_durations[gt_query] diff = self.df_durations[self.column_end] \ - self.df_durations[self.column_start] self.df_durations[self.COLUMN_STAY_DURATION] = diff.dt.days self.plot = DurationsPlot(self) def _check_dataframe(self) -> None: columns = set([self.column_start, self.column_end]) if not set(columns).issubset(self.df_durations.columns): raise ValueError(f"The dataframe should have columns: {columns}.")
[docs] def get_dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return self.df_durations
[docs] def get_stay_distribution(self) -> np.ndarray: diff = self.df_durations[self.column_end] - self.df_durations[self.column_start] return diff.dt.days.values
[docs] def get_bootstrap(self) -> distributions.EmpiricalBootstrap: stay_distribution: np.ndarray = self.get_stay_distribution() return distributions.EmpiricalBootstrap(stay_distribution)
[docs]class DurationsPlot: """Makes plots for the durations :param duration: the duration """ def __init__(self, duration: Durations): self.duration = duration
[docs] def histogram(self, **kwargs: Dict) -> Any: df = self.duration.get_dataframe() ax = sns.histplot( df, x=Durations.COLUMN_STAY_DURATION, edgecolor=".3", linewidth=.5, **kwargs ) ax.set_xlabel("Duration (in days)") ax.set_ylabel("Count") sns.despine() return ax
[docs] def density(self, **kwargs: Dict) -> Any: df = self.duration.get_dataframe() ax = sns.displot( df, x=Durations.COLUMN_STAY_DURATION, kind="kde", cut=0, **kwargs ) plt.xlabel("Duration (in days)") sns.despine() return ax
[docs] def timeplot(self, locator: str = "month", interval: int = 1, **kwargs: Dict) -> Any: df = self.duration.get_dataframe() ax = sns.lineplot( data=df, x=self.duration.column_start, y=Durations.COLUMN_STAY_DURATION, lw=0.8, **kwargs ) plt.axhline(df.mean(numeric_only=True)[Durations.COLUMN_STAY_DURATION], color="black", linestyle="--", lw=0.8, label="Mean") loc = mdates.MonthLocator(interval=interval) formatter = mdates.DateFormatter(fmt="%b %Y") if locator == "day": loc = mdates.DayLocator(interval=interval) formatter = mdates.DateFormatter(fmt="%d %b %Y") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(loc) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.figure.autofmt_xdate(rotation=90, ha='center') sns.despine() plt.ylabel("Stay (in days)") plt.xlabel("Start date") plt.legend() return ax